
Business Directory

Trinity Lutheran College invite all members of the Trinity community to advertise their business enterprises online. The Trinity Lutheran College Business Directory provides you with a comprehensive listing of businesses and
services offered by members of our Trinity Community.

a community initiative

The Trinity Lutheran College Business Directory is a community initiative created to connect families, staff, alumni, and supporters of our college throughout our community in a practical and mutually beneficial way. It provides a unique opportunity for businesses to promote themselves and offer special discounts directly to our community. The opportunity to advertise your business is offered free of charge to families (both past and present), alumni and friends of Trinity as a gesture of goodwill and appreciation for your support, both past and present. As long as the business aligns with the college ethos, advertising will be approved.


For further information, please email the Director of Community Relations at: 

trinity’s business directory


Year 10 provides both a continuation of our broad curriculum as well as additional opportunities for students to begin moving towards their likely learning pathway through Years 11 and 12. In Year 10, students are able to explore a wide range of career and vocational options through the SET (Senior Education and Training) Plan process. These experiences help students to make important decisions about their future education, training and employment.

Staff are experienced in recognising different learning styles and, through an extensive professional development program, well equipped to offer a variety of activities designed to engage students.

You can read our Year 10 Curriculum Handbook below for more detailed information.